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Point Solutions

If you're seeking ways to enhance customer engagement and value for a retail bank, insurance company, or trade association, look no further than GOTOWN's Point Solutions. Our solutions are industry-specific, proven, and refined to help you acquire, develop, and retain customers/members more effectively. Trust GOTOWN for powerful, targeted solutions that deliver results.

Professional Attending a Seminar

Professional Associations

If you’re looking to take your association's member engagement and value to the next level, GOTOWN can help.  Our Point Solutions for associations offer a wide range of tools to help you achieve your goals. From member segmentation to personalized member communications and member benefit profitability analysis, we have everything you need to boost membership engagement and profitability. With GOTOWN, you'll unlock the full potential of your association and experience unparalleled success.

Online banking

Retail Banking

At GOTOWN, we understand that acquiring and retaining customers is crucial for the success of retail banks. That's why we offer high-performance marketing programs that are tailored to your needs. Our proven strategies can help you reach more customers, upgrade their relationships, and keep them coming back for more. With over two decades of experience working with dozens of banks, we have a track record of success that speaks for itself. Let us help you take your business to the next level.

Real estate

Insurance/Financial Planning

GOTOWN's revolutionary AI-based service empowers you to provide your clients with a truly exceptional experience. With our advanced system, you can identify the financial products your clients are most likely to purchase and connect with them through personalized emails, phone calls, and text messages. By suggesting the perfect financial product that fits their needs, you can take your financial services to the next level and inspire confidence in your clients. Join GOTOWN today and let us help you achieve your goals while setting yourself apart from the competition.

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